
quest for health

In my quest for health, I found that gluten caused a lot of havoc in my gut, head and joints.
As I am not celiac I dint avoid it like my life depended on it cos seriously it’s very hard to give up bread and all the baked goods and be happy. My Mental health was at stake here guys. Who can relate to me?

But continuing to put something in your body that it does not like adds up overtime and the repercussions become louder( bigger aches and pains) or channelled into other symptoms.
Gluten intolerance is quite prevalent and hugely undetected in the population. There are ways to ascertain it though if you take the time to learn how.

As I have gone through that process and learning, I now bake gluten free white and brown bread with my homemade flour mix without the nasty store bought mix ingredients.

This Orange marmalade( marmalade from my garden oranges) – yes I spend a lot of time cooking and growing stuff, my chef experience helps !!
One day I might start a business in gluten free cooking.

Meanwhile I teach healing with Naturopathy which includes cooking lessons and my winning recipes I have created.

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